How To set up QUICK QUOTE
Step 1. Go to
You will be met with this LOG IN
Click: NO
and enter...
"sams" in the box
then click LOG IN
Step 3. Customizing the phone line.
After adding it from the devices tab you click Edit Options to open the customization page.
You will only edit the following boxes:
#1 #2 #4 and #8
Box 1:
This is where you can change the type of wireless PLAN the customers phone will be on. There are 3 plans we currently offer.
- Unlimited Premium
- Unlimited Extra
- Unlimited Starter
The price per phone line stated on the website will change as you add lines. The more lines a customer has the cheaper the cost of each line will be.
Ex: 1 line on premium = 85.99 but 2 lines on premium = 75.99 per line.
Box 2:
This box is where we pick the phone the customer will be RECIEVING from AT&T.
- You first pick the Type of device; either New or Existing.
- If the customer is bringing over their CURRENT phone you click EXISTING DEVICE. (This is custom quote only)
- If the customer is receiving a new device (we always assume they will) you click on NEW DEVICE.
You will next pick the promotion they are getting.
You will click the promotion first (Premium Device Trade in or Tiered) then click on the Manufacturer (Apple, Samsung or Google)
This is where you pick what device they will be receiving.
- For iPhone we pick the base model with the lowest storage: Iphone 15 with 128GB.
- For Android we pick the Samsung S24+ 256GB
- For Google we pick the Google Pixel 8 pro 128GB
Once you click a device you will then apply the Premium Device Trade-in Offer which happens to be the 700$ of the new Iphone 15.
We assume customers will have tradeable phones during the quick quote so always choose the option that makes the best price.
Once clicked it will drop down and show HOW the promotion will be applied.
Box 4:
Box 4 is where you will find AT&Ts payment type. We assume all customers will do the AT&T Installment Plan.
This is where if you are in COSTCO you will uncheck the "Activation and Upgrade Fees Apply" This is normally a 35$ fee per line that AT&T charges to activate their phone.
This is where you make sure the AT&T NEXT UP program is checked.
Box 8:
Finally, we must add the customers SWITCHER CREDIT. We always assume customers will keep their phone number and purchase a new phone.
You will first check the "Custom Monthly Credit" box.
In this box you will type, "6.95" or "7" into the box under "How much is the credit?"
It will show as a "Port In Credit" for all 36 months.
Leave all other boxes alone.
Step 4. Redo this process 2 more times.
You should have 3 tabs open on your tablet every time you pitch.
Why? This allows you to be able to show the quick quote more efficiently regardless of what the customers phones are.
EX: Family has 3 phones; 1 iPhone 2 Androids. You are able to just flip to the Android and iPhone tab and click the plus button to add the additional Samsung.
EX 2: A customer had 2 phones both are iPhone. You are able to just switch to the iPhone page to show the customer faster rather then deleting the Samsung phone line you created.
You want to be able to reset the Ipad fast between pitches. Once you begin to learn the customers specific phone Model you will then transition into a CUSTOM QUOTE.