Point System

Goal: To enforce the established standards that protect our client relationship with Reborn/Renovo/Jacuzzi, etc. and enhance the customer's
experience. All feedback received from Reborn/Renovo/Jacuzzi, etc. will be reviewed and discussed accordingly so a constructive evaluation can be
promptly provided to the client.

Procedure: After receiving a complaint from Reborn/Renovo/Jacuzzi, etc., HI Compliance conducts the initial research by:

  1.  Reviewing the content of the complaint
  2. Validating the lead
  3. Determining if additional information Is needed, 1.e., call recordings.

After the complaint is validated, the rep will enter the complaint process, which adheres to a point system. Points will be administered based on the
severity of the complaint. The point system will refresh every 60 days (2 months). After points are applied, the point cycle timeline will be based on the lead submission date.

Points - Neighborhood: The HI compliance team will administer point warnings. Management, HI Compliance, or Reborn/Renovo/Jacuzzi, etc.
will issue rep removals. HI Compliance, in conjunction with Reborn/Renovo/Jacuzzi, etc. will provide any necessary details regarding the removal of a rep.
Point thresholds are established by the number of generated leads a rep is doing within a point cycle.